
The IADS 100 List : Global perspective on a diverse format

IADS Exclusive 27 April 2021 Dr Christopher Knee

The IADS office is launching an observatory of 100 department store companies around the world for members’ information and to keep track of changes in the format. The companies are not selected by size since the list includes small businesses which may nevertheless be representative of the format in their country. The list is a subjective sample which expresses the diversity of the format, both as it exists today and as it has transformed itself since its beginnings in the 19th Century. The list will be updated and act as a tracker of the format around the world. The very diversity of department stores revealed by the list is an asset when companies share their particular strengths in a group such as the IADS. 

IADS provides its members with a weekly in-depth analysis on retail-oriented topics. This is an example of the themes the Association regularly addresses, and the topic of an article  from the IADS members-only newsletter date 28 April 2021.

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